
GeneTitan™ Wash Buffers A and B Module


Catalog number:  901583



The Genetitan™ Wash Buffer A and Wash Buffer B Module is required for processing Applied Biosystems™ 3' IVT, miRNA profiling plates, and whole-transcript (WT) array plates on the GeneTitan System. There is sufficient Wash Buffer A and B to process one plate in any format. For each additional plate that is processed, an additional Wash Buffer A and B module must be purchased.



For Use With (Application):

miRNA Profiling

Product Size:

1 kit

Reagent Type:

Wash Buffer

Related Links
GeneTitan™ Hybridization, Wash, and Stain Kit for WT Array Plates
GeneTitan&trade Hybridization, Wash, and Stain Kit for 3' IVT Arrays
GeneTitan™ Wash Buffers A and B Module
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